Today I focus my blog more on life, emotions, & family- here's why: Yesterday was my Anniversary! My husband Jimmy & I have been married now for 13 amazing years, which I have spent learning
who I am, who I
was, and who I
want to be. We have had MANY great times in our marriage. And, like most other couples, we've also had some rough spots.
We have both set aside our own dreams so that the other could chase there own. We have both picked eachother up when the other has fallen down. We have both pushed eachother away only to ultimately reel eachother back into our arms for good. We have both broke eachothers hearts and we have both learned how to mend them. We know that the key to our future requires and depends on BOTH of us!
Our families continued love and support during such difficult times was such a huge key to our success. Not many of our friends remained neutral to both parties, but the ones who did showed who are our TRUE FRIENDS. Those friends that continued to love and support both of us, without passing judgement are the friends that helped us pull through those hard times and make it past. Your guidance, support, and most of all, your PRAYERS, are what allowed us to be able to celebrate yesterday. Thank you again to ALL of our wonderful support system- From the bottom of our hearts, WE LOVE YOU!
We celebrated the day yesterday quite casually, but TOGETHER- and that is all that truly matters! We took our boys fishing at the local State Park/Lake. I took hundreds of pictures, ended up with 100+ "keepers" (pictures, not fish!) After spending 45 min. packing all of the items Emma listed that she needed to stay over one more night at her friends, I went to drop it off, only to find that she changed her mind and came home afterall. Was I mad? Not one bit- I missed my baby girl! She left early Sat. a.m. & would've been gone 'til Mon. p.m. had she not chickened out! I love my lil' chicken ;-)