Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I woke up to the beautiful sun shining in my window this morning well before my alarm went off. After I checked off a few tasks from my 'to-do' list for the day, I put on my SPF15 (my doctor would be so proud), cranked up the tunes, and got myself all set up to bask in the sun for a while... Make that "while" about 25 minutes! The fierce Enumclaw winds kicked up and blew in a nasty storm, bringing with it a mini-monsoon. So much for my moment of catching a few rays. It is, of course, here in the great Pacific North West where we go from wearing tank-tops & flip flops to sweatshirts & Muck boots all within the same hour. Although the weather may be unpredictable, we certainly are entitled to our fair share of fabulous photo opp's. Once again, I am enjoying the beauty of the great NW through the eye of my camera lense...

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